Rabu, 21 Disember 2011

kerja kerja dan kerja :)

hey all, alahai susah beno la nk on9 skrg,

apetah lg nk update blog .

nak gtaw ni, ak skrg ni dah bekerja :)

mcm ta caya ak dah start kerja :) tp still, pragai ta brubah =='

serentak dengan startnya ak bekerja, susah laa nk kua ngn kwn2

susah juga nk brkumpul dan brgosip lagi , alahaii rindunyaaa mereka :')

ak bekerja dekat restoren KFC tu je.

penat gak laaa coz baru bukak kan. msti lahh bnyk kerja.

tp sekarang ak didalam sesi nk bramah mesra dgn pkerja2 snior.

susah beno nk tego mngor kakak2 snior. mybe ak kna tgkatkn lg tahap komunikasi ak ni kot

ape2 hal, kerja kt situ dah mulai enjoy .

and gaji tu, ak harap masyukk. wee ~

and wish ak pas dpt gaji prtama ni,

ak nak hangout ngn kwn.

shoping ngn kwn.

wahhh first time shoping guna duit sndri . mesti best. wee ~

k la, tu je,, byeee :D

Isnin, 12 Disember 2011

naina :)

hey kome , ni nk story sikit :) pasai afa balik kot (:

u know, td ak jmpa dia. tp skejap je. takpe laa ta kesah pon.

u know, bfore jmpa dia, ati ak brdegup laen mcm kot. ak tasukaa =='

ntah rasa laen mcm. time jmpa dia td pon, ak rsa segan giler. srius

kdg2 je tgk muka dia. yg selaennya ak tgk mamat2 skitar. HIHI ^^

babun la dia tu. suka wt ak segan. ggr ==' and suka wt org pasan .

tp maybe, kiteorg lbah selesa n sesuai brkawan je kot.

and ak dah tak menaruh lg, wee ~ :)

k la, tu je. daa ~

Sabtu, 3 Disember 2011

abes SPM ! :)

hey guys , whassup . lama ta upgrade blog ini :) rinduuu :D

arini ak nk brkongsi kegembiraan ak yg sudah merdeka ni. act, ak merdeka lama dah 30hbnov2011

tp oleh sbb ak tmbh seni, ak trpksa mrdeka 1dis2011 . alaa, sehari je kan ? hihi :)

yaaa. ak sgt sgt sgt happy ak dah ta dijajah lg oleh mna2 exam yg memeningkn kpala aku.

but, scara jujurnya ak sdey sgt nk tgglkn dewan . rmai kwn2 ak am
ik kputusan utk ta kluar dewan smpai abes masa.

and secara rasminyaa ak dah jadi bekas pelajar SMK SERI AMPANG , IPOH. sobsob *sdeyy

and kwn2, ak sntiasa rndukn korg. yaa. sgt sgt rindu :(( mcm mna la ak nk tmpuh idup tnpa korg kn.

atleast ada korg, ak taklah sunyi sgt kalo ak tada bf, ak buleh la lupakn ksedehan ak skejap kn.

ak arap korg pon ta lupakn aku. and ak nk bg note sikit kt someone

capital S, trimas utk 2 thn slama ak stu klas ngn ko. ko dah buat ak jtuh cinta kt ko tnpa ko sdar :) andd ko slalu wt ak gelak sosorang kalo ak tringtkn ko . susah sgt nk tgglkn dewan aritu. ko pon ta kluar awal kn. ak tawu ko da lma siap. tp ta brmkna ko kluar lmbt psai ak. ak just nk ckp..aku ta menyesal sayangkn ko. sbb ak hepi even ak trpksa smbunyikn bnda ni. and ak sgt sgt hepi suka ko :) tp srius, ak suka ko, ak syg ko, ta brmkna ak nk kpel ngn ko. ak dah pnat kpel2 ni. ak just nk ko tawu ak syg ko je . tu je :) trimas sbb ta malukn ak time ak gtaw ak suka ko . thnx :') ape2hal ak dah taleh jmpa ko dah. tgk lurus ko tu. jga diri k . and ak puas sgt suka ko utk 2 thn ni. tp skrg, ak nk tamatkn . sbb ak tawu ak ta layak utk ko. :)

and utk kwn2 aku,trima kasih krana mnjdi sahabat trbaek aku. even ada jgk konflik antara kita selama 5 thn aku kt ampang.trima kasih. andd utk kwn2 ak yg rpat trutamanyaa nisa, syida, mther, dayah nisah, dayah dirah, tyra syggg, atin , and sesapa lg yg rpat ngn aku, sriuss ak akan rndukan kome. nnti kahwin, ajak ak aw :)hihi *kita kn slalu ckp psai kawin :D i love u girlss :)

lepas ni, smua akan bwak haluan msing2 . jga diri k. sbb lpas ni dugaan lg bsar. and hnya org2 tabah je buleh tempuh. ak arap ak n korg brjya and tidak jd org yg trcundang oke?

and ak nk share sikit lyrics utk kwn2 ak and capital S :')


If you ever leave me, baby,Leave some morphine at my doorCause it would take a whole lot of medicationTo realize what we used to have,We don't have it anymore.
There's no religion that could save meNo matter how long my knees are on the floor, ohSo keep in mind all the sacrifices I'm makingWill keep you by my sideWill keep you from walking out the door.
Cause there'll be no sunlightif I lose you, babyThere'll be no clear skiesif I lose you, babyJust like the clouds,my eyes will do the same if you walk awayEveryday, it will rain,rain, rain
I'll never be your mother's favoriteYour daddy can't even look me in the eyeOooh if I was in their shoes, I'd be doing the same thingSaying there goes my little girlwalking with that troublesome guy

But they're just afraid of something they can't understandOooh well little darling watch me change their mindsYea for you I'll try, I'll try, I'll tryI'll pick up these broken pieces 'til I'm bleedingIf that'll make you mine
Cause there'll be no sunlightif I lose you, babyThere'll be no clear skiesif I lose you, babyJust like the clouds,my eyes will do the same if you walk awayEveryday, it will rain,rain, rain
Ooooh Don't you saygoodbye, don't just say, goodbyeI'll pick up these broken pieces 'til I'm bleedingIf that'll make it right
Cause there'll be no sunlightif I lose you, babyThere'll be no clear skiesif I lose you, babyJust like the clouds,my eyes will do the same if you walk awayEveryday, it will rain,rain, rain...
i love you :')